Monday, July 17, 2023

Who are top ten blogger in the world ?


Top ten blogger in the world



In September 2021, here are ten influential bloggers who have had significant impact and popularity in the blogging world:

1.    Arianna Huffington (Huffington Post): Known for her eponymous news website, Arianna Huffington has been a prominent figure in the blogging and news industry.

2.    Pete Cashmore (Mashable): The founder of Mashable, a popular technology and entertainment blog, Cashmore gained significant recognition in the blogging community.

3.    Michael Arrington (TechCrunch): Founder of TechCrunch, a leading technology blog that focuses on startups and new technology.

4.    Rand Fishkin (Moz): A well-known figure in the SEO and digital marketing industry, Fishkin co-founded Moz, a blog and software company.

5.    Pat Flynn (Smart Passive Income): Pat Flynn's blog focuses on online business, passive income, and entrepreneurship.

6.    Brian Clark (Copyblogger): A leading authority on content marketing, Brian Clark's blog provides valuable insights on writing, marketing, and online business.

7.    Tim Ferriss (Four Hour Work Week): Known for his book "The 4-Hour Workweek," Ferriss shares his experiences and strategies for maximizing productivity and achieving lifestyle design.

8.    Gary Vaynerchuk (GaryVee): A serial entrepreneur and social media expert, Gary Vaynerchuk offers insights on marketing, personal branding, and business.

9.    Michelle Phan ( A beauty and makeup blogger, Phan has gained a massive following through her blog and YouTube channel.

10.                       Perez Hilton ( Focusing on celebrity gossip and entertainment news, Perez Hilton's blog has garnered significant attention and controversy.

Please note that these rankings may have changed, and there are numerous other influential bloggers in different niches who may not be included in this list.


Arianna Huffington (Huffington Post):


Arianna Huffington is a well-known media entrepreneur and author. She co-founded The Huffington Post (now known as HuffPost) in 2005, which quickly became one of the most popular news and opinion websites globally. The platform covers a wide range of topics, including politics, business, entertainment, technology, and lifestyle. Under Arianna Huffington's leadership as the editor-in-chief, HuffPost gained a reputation for its diverse content, including blogs, articles, and op-eds from various contributors. The website grew in popularity and influence, attracting millions of readers and earning numerous awards and accolades. However, please note that since my knowledge cutoff is in September 2021, there may have been changes or developments related to Arianna Huffington or HuffPost beyond that time.


Pete Cashmore (Mashable):


Pete Cashmore is a Scottish entrepreneur and the founder of Mashable, a popular digital media and entertainment website. He started Mashable in 2005 at the young age of 19 and grew it into a renowned platform covering technology, digital culture, and various other topics. Mashable became known for its engaging content, breaking news, and informative articles, attracting a large audience of tech enthusiasts and internet-savvy individuals. Under Cashmore's leadership, Mashable expanded its reach and influence, becoming a trusted source for news and trends in the digital world. It garnered significant attention and recognition, including being listed among Time magazine's "25 Best Blogs of 2009." However, it's worth noting that the landscape of digital media can change rapidly, and there may have been updates or developments related to Pete Cashmore or Mashable since my knowledge cutoff in September 2021.


Michael Arrington (TechCrunch):


Michael Arrington is an American entrepreneur, attorney, and the founder of TechCrunch, a popular technology news and analysis website. He launched TechCrunch in 2005 with the goal of providing insightful coverage of the tech industry, including startup news, product reviews, and emerging trends. TechCrunch quickly gained a dedicated following and became one of the leading sources for tech-related information. Arrington's entrepreneurial spirit and his ability to break tech news and analyze the industry contributed to the success and influence of TechCrunch. While he stepped down as the editor of TechCrunch in 2011, his contributions to the website and the technology journalism landscape are widely recognized. It's important to note that there may have been developments or changes related to Michael Arrington or TechCrunch since my knowledge cutoff in September 2021.


Rand Fishkin (Moz):


Rand Fishkin is a well-known figure in the field of search engine optimization (SEO) and digital marketing. He co-founded Moz, a widely recognized software company and online community that provides tools and resources for SEO and inbound marketing. Fishkin played a significant role in growing Moz into a trusted and influential brand in the SEO industry. He also created the Whiteboard Friday video series, where he shares valuable insights, strategies, and tips on SEO and online marketing. Fishkin is known for his expertise in SEO, his transparent approach to sharing knowledge, and his efforts to demystify the world of search engine optimization for marketers and businesses. It's important to note that my knowledge is based on information available up until September 2021, and there may have been updates or changes related to Rand Fishkin or Moz since then.


Pat Flynn (Smart Passive Income):


Pat Flynn is a well-known blogger, podcaster, and entrepreneur, best known for his website and brand "Smart Passive Income." He gained popularity by sharing his journey and strategies for creating passive income streams and building online businesses. Through his blog, podcast, and online courses, Pat Flynn provides valuable insights and practical advice on topics such as online entrepreneurship, passive income generation, affiliate marketing, and productivity.

Flynn's transparent and authentic approach to sharing his experiences and successes, as well as his willingness to discuss failures and lessons learned, has earned him a dedicated following. He has built a strong reputation as a trustworthy resource in the online business and blogging communities.

In addition to his blog, Flynn has authored books, including "Let Go" and "Will It Fly?", which further explore his entrepreneurial journey and provide guidance for aspiring online business owners.

Please note that the status and influence of bloggers can change over time, and there may have been updates or developments related to Pat Flynn and Smart Passive Income since my knowledge cutoff in September 2021.


Brian Clark (Copyblogger):


Brian Clark is a prominent figure in the world of content marketing and blogging. He is the founder of Copyblogger, a renowned online resource for content marketing strategies, writing tips, and digital business advice. Copyblogger provides valuable insights on copywriting, content creation, SEO, and other aspects of online marketing.

Under Brian Clark's leadership, Copyblogger has become a trusted source for businesses and individuals looking to improve their content marketing efforts. The website offers informative articles, tutorials, and courses that help readers and subscribers enhance their writing skills and develop effective content marketing strategies.

Clark's expertise in content marketing has earned him recognition as a thought leader in the industry. He has also expanded his influence by launching additional ventures, such as the Rainmaker Digital platform, which offers various tools and services for online business owners.

It's worth noting that my knowledge is based on information available up until September 2021, and there may have been updates or developments related to Brian Clark or Copyblogger since then.


Tim Ferriss (Four Hour Work Week):


Tim Ferriss is a well-known author, entrepreneur, and podcast host, best known for his book "The 4-Hour Workweek." Published in 2007, the book became a bestseller and a seminal work in the realm of lifestyle design and productivity.

In "The 4-Hour Workweek," Ferriss shares his personal experiences and strategies for achieving a more efficient and fulfilling lifestyle, emphasizing the importance of automation, outsourcing, and focusing on high-value activities. The book gained popularity for its unconventional approach to work and life, encouraging readers to challenge traditional notions of employment and explore alternative paths to success and freedom.

Ferriss is also the host of "The Tim Ferriss Show," a highly successful podcast where he interviews world-class performers from various fields, extracting their strategies, insights, and habits for success. The podcast has gained a massive following and has featured influential guests such as entrepreneurs, athletes, authors, and scientists.

Ferriss has authored other books, including "The 4-Hour Body" and "Tools of Titans," in which he explores topics such as health, fitness, and peak performance.

Please note that my knowledge is based on information available up until September 2021, and there may have been updates or developments related to Tim Ferriss since then.

Gary Vaynerchuk (GaryVee):


Gary Vaynerchuk, commonly known as GaryVee, is a well-known entrepreneur, author, speaker, and social media personality. He is recognized for his energetic and passionate approach to business and marketing. Vaynerchuk initially gained popularity through his work in the wine industry, where he transformed his family's wine business into a multimillion-dollar enterprise using digital marketing strategies.

Vaynerchuk is the founder of VaynerX, a modern-day media and communications holding company, and VaynerMedia, a digital marketing agency that helps businesses leverage social media and content marketing. He has been a prominent advocate for the power of social media and has published books such as "Crush It!" and "Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook," providing insights and advice on personal branding, entrepreneurship, and social media marketing.

GaryVee is known for his strong online presence and his active engagement on social media platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. He shares motivational content, business advice, and insights into his own entrepreneurial journey. Through his energetic speaking style and straightforward approach, he has built a large following and has become an influential figure in the entrepreneurial and digital marketing communities.

It's important to note that my knowledge is based on information available up until September 2021, and there may have been updates or developments related to Gary Vaynerchuk since then.


Michelle Phan (


Michelle Phan is a beauty and lifestyle blogger, entrepreneur, and YouTuber. She gained popularity through her YouTube channel, where she shared makeup tutorials, beauty tips, and skincare advice. Phan's engaging personality and expertise in the beauty industry quickly attracted a massive following.

In addition to her YouTube channel, Phan also launched her own website,, where she continued to provide beauty and lifestyle content to her audience. Her website featured blog posts, product reviews, and additional resources for beauty enthusiasts.

Phan's success on YouTube and her entrepreneurial spirit led her to collaborate with various beauty brands, create her own cosmetics line called EM Cosmetics, and launch her subscription-based beauty sampling service called ipsy.

Phan's influence in the beauty community helped her gain recognition and accolades. She was featured on Forbes' "30 Under 30" list and Time magazine's "30 Most Influential People on the Internet."

It's worth noting that my knowledge is based on information available up until September 2021, and there may have been updates or developments related to Michelle Phan or since then.


Perez Hilton (


Perez Hilton, whose real name is Mario Armando Lavandeira Jr., is a popular celebrity gossip blogger and media personality. He gained prominence through his website,, where he provided commentary and gossip on celebrities, entertainment news, and pop culture.

Perez Hilton's blog became known for its sometimes controversial and provocative content. He gained a significant following for his snarky writing style and the use of doodles and captions on celebrity photos. His blog covered a wide range of topics, including celebrity relationships, scandals, and Hollywood news.

In addition to his blog, Perez Hilton has made appearances on various television shows, including hosting his own reality show called "Perez Hilton Superfan." He also launched his own YouTube channel, where he provides commentary and interviews with celebrities.

Please note that my knowledge is based on information available up until September 2021, and there may have been updates or developments related to Perez Hilton or since then.


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